Download the class notes for day 8.
Author: Francisco Olvera
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL10002) – Day 7
We’re almost done with this course (SF16SQL10002). We have two more classes before we “celebrate” with one more quiz/practice covering all the material we have covered.
Download the class notes for day 7.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL10002) – Day 6
We have covered views finishing most of section two.
In a database management system, a view is a way of portraying information in the database. This can be done by arranging the data items in a specific order, by highlighting certain items, or by showing only certain items. For any database, there are a number of possible views that may be specified. Databases with many items tend to have more possible views than databases with few items. Often thought of as a virtual table, the view doesn’t actually store information itself, but just pulls it out of one or more existing tables. Although impermanent, a view may be accessed repeatedly by storing its criteria in a query.
Download the class notes for day 6.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL10002) – Day 5
So far, we have covered how to CREATE, ALTER and DROP database objects (databases, schemas and tables), SELECT and FORMAT data FROM tables, JOIN tables, ALTER tables and INSERT and UPDATE data types.
Download the class notes for day 5.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL10002) – Day 4
You survived the first quiz (practice). Most of you did very well.
Next week we will cover to create tables and views with the proper data types ( for Transact-SQL (also referred to as T-SQL;
Download the class notes for day 4.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL10002) – Day 3
We have finished the first section of the course and we are having the first quiz (practice) on Wednesday.
If you have any questions about anything that we have covered so far, do not hesitate to contact me or posting your question on Slack ( Other students might be able to answer or also have the same inquiry.
In the meantime, download the class notes for day 3.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL10002) – Day 2
In the past two classes, we have covered how to query a table (SELECT field1, field2... FROM table) using functions for both strings and numeric values with WHERE, GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses.
Download the class notes for day 2.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL10002) – Day 1
We have started a new Introduction to SQL course. We will have fun for the next five (5) weeks.
You will receive a one-time invitation to Slack ( where you can post any questions and where other classmates can respond. Of course, you can also email me directly any questions you have.
Download the class notes for day 1.
Database Administration Syllabus SF16SQL10002
Down the syllabus for SF16SQL10002.
SQL Questions & Answers at Slack
I just created a Slack room for SQL. If you have any SQL questions, you can post them at Email me for an invitation to join.
A one-time invitation was sent to former students. New students will also get a one-time invitation.
You can download Slack applications for various operating systems.