We have finished the course. I hope you enjoyed the course. Thank you for taking the course.
Download the class notes for day 10.
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We have finished the course. I hope you enjoyed the course. Thank you for taking the course.
Download the class notes for day 10.
We have finished course WS24SQL10001. Now it is time to have fun working on the final (WS24SQL10001_FINAL.TXT).
Download the class notes for day 9.
We are getting for the final next week. We have covered how to retrieve (SELECT) data from tables or views as well as making (CREATE), modifying (ALTER) and destroying (DROP) data objects.
Download the class notes for day 8.
We are almost done with this course. Before we continue with data objects, we had a review of all material covered so far.
Download the class notes for day 7.