Introduction to Structured Query Language for Data Analytics (WS24SQL10001) — Day 6

We have finally gotten our feet wet creating database objects.

    CREATE data_obj data_name [code];

    CREATE DATABASE db_name; -- no extra code

    CREATE SCHEMA schema_name; -- no extra code

    CREATE TABLE table_name -- code for structure
      field1 data_type [arguments],
      field2 data_type [arguments]

    CREATE VIEW view_name -- code for structure
    SELECT field1,
    FROM table1;

Download the class notes for day 6.

Introduction to Structured Query Language for Data Analytics (WS24SQL10001) — Day 5

We are half-way done with the course. We have covered how to query data and manipulate the output using functions.

    SELECT FUNCTION(field1) AS alias,
    FROM table1 AS t1
      ON t1.shared_data = t2.shared_data
    GROUP BY field2, -- needed for aggregate functions
    ORDER BY field1;

We are almost ready to work with database objects.

Download the class notes for day 5.

Introduction to Structured Query Language for Data Analytics (WS24SQL10001) — Day 3

We have started working with functions to manipulate strings.

    SELECT phone AS original_phone,  -- from `8005551205` to `(800) 555-1205`
      LEFT(phone, 3) AS area_code,  -- extracting `800`
      SUBSTRING(phone, 4, 3) AS branch_exchange,  -- extracting `555`
      RIGHT(phone, 4) AS subscriber_number,  -- extracting `1205`
      CONCAT (  -- concatenating values 1 to 6
        `(`,  -- value 1, hard-coded the opening parenthesis
          LEFT(phone, 3),  -- value 2, area code from `phone`
          `) `,  -- value 3, hard-coded closing parenthesis + space
        SUBSTRING(phone, 4, 3),  -- value 4, branch from `phone`
        ` - `,  -- value 5, hard-coded hyphen
        RIGHT(phone, 4)  -- value 6, subscriber number from `phone`
        ) AS legible_phone
    FROM table1;

Download the class notes for day 3.

Introduction to Structured Query Language for Data Analytics (WS24SQL10001) — Day 2

We’ve started writing code.

    SELECT field1, field2...
    FROM table1 AS t1
      ON t1.common_data = t2.common_data;

Do not forget to always make your code look good, formatted and legible — in other word, good etiquette. You might want to use a product like PoorSQL (free) either on-line or as a plug-in for a local program like Notepad++.

Download the class notes for day 2.