Introduction to Structured Query Language for Data Analytics (WS24SQL10001) — Day 6

We have finally gotten our feet wet creating database objects.

    CREATE data_obj data_name [code];

    CREATE DATABASE db_name; -- no extra code

    CREATE SCHEMA schema_name; -- no extra code

    CREATE TABLE table_name -- code for structure
      field1 data_type [arguments],
      field2 data_type [arguments]

    CREATE VIEW view_name -- code for structure
    SELECT field1,
    FROM table1;

Download the class notes for day 6.

Introduction to Structured Query Language for Data Analytics (WS24SQL10001) — Day 5

We are half-way done with the course. We have covered how to query data and manipulate the output using functions.

    SELECT FUNCTION(field1) AS alias,
    FROM table1 AS t1
      ON t1.shared_data = t2.shared_data
    GROUP BY field2, -- needed for aggregate functions
    ORDER BY field1;

We are almost ready to work with database objects.

Download the class notes for day 5.

Introduction to Structured Query Language for Data Analytics (WS24SQL10001) — Day 3

We have started working with functions to manipulate strings.

    SELECT phone AS original_phone,  -- from `8005551205` to `(800) 555-1205`
      LEFT(phone, 3) AS area_code,  -- extracting `800`
      SUBSTRING(phone, 4, 3) AS branch_exchange,  -- extracting `555`
      RIGHT(phone, 4) AS subscriber_number,  -- extracting `1205`
      CONCAT (  -- concatenating values 1 to 6
        `(`,  -- value 1, hard-coded the opening parenthesis
          LEFT(phone, 3),  -- value 2, area code from `phone`
          `) `,  -- value 3, hard-coded closing parenthesis + space
        SUBSTRING(phone, 4, 3),  -- value 4, branch from `phone`
        ` - `,  -- value 5, hard-coded hyphen
        RIGHT(phone, 4)  -- value 6, subscriber number from `phone`
        ) AS legible_phone
    FROM table1;

Download the class notes for day 3.

Top 10 Best Programming Languages To Learn in 2024 — Superior Codelabs IT Services

A new list of hot languages is out — well one list of many.

Once again, Python is the hottest language, but what I find interesting is the inclusion of assembler although it does not specify which version (NASM, FASM, etc.).

  1. Python
  2. JavaScript
  3. Java
  4. C++
  5. Swift
  6. Go (Golang)
  7. Kotlin
  8. Rust
  9. TypeScript
  10. PHP
  11. Ruby
  12. Shell Scripting (Bash)
  13. SQL
  14. Scala
  15. C#
  16. MATLAB
  17. Dart
  18. Julia
  19. Assembler

This article also includes a quick explanation why all programmers should learn how to manage data.

How important is SQL for a programmer or developer?
SQL (Structured Query Language) is crucial for anyone working with databases. Whether you’re a developer, data analyst, or database administrator, understanding SQL is essential for managing, querying, and manipulating data in relational databases.

This list and quote are neither an endorsement nor an advert.

In other words, these are languages recommended to learn in order to get a good paying job.

Introduction to Structured Query Language for Data Analytics (WS24SQL10001) — Day 2

We’ve started writing code.

    SELECT field1, field2...
    FROM table1 AS t1
      ON t1.common_data = t2.common_data;

Do not forget to always make your code look good, formatted and legible — in other word, good etiquette. You might want to use a product like PoorSQL (free) either on-line or as a plug-in for a local program like Notepad++.

Download the class notes for day 2.