We have started a new course. Download the class notes for day 1.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF1801) – Day 10
Download the class notes for day 10 — the answer for the final.
DECLARE @yourName VARCHAR(50) = 'your_name'; DECLARE @CourseCd VARCHAR(15) = 'SF1801'; PRINT CONCAT ( CHAR(084),CHAR(104),CHAR(097),CHAR(110),CHAR(107),CHAR(032), CHAR(121),CHAR(111),CHAR(117),CHAR(044),CHAR(032),@yourName, CHAR(044),CHAR(032),CHAR(102),CHAR(111),CHAR(114),CHAR(032), CHAR(116),CHAR(097),CHAR(107),CHAR(105),CHAR(110),CHAR(103), CHAR(032),CHAR(099),CHAR(108),CHAR(097),CHAR(115),CHAR(115), CHAR(032),@CourseCd,CHAR(046),CHAR(013),CHAR(083),CHAR(101), CHAR(101),CHAR(032),CHAR(121),CHAR(111),CHAR(117),CHAR(032), CHAR(105),CHAR(110),CHAR(032),CHAR(116),CHAR(104),CHAR(101), CHAR(032),CHAR(105),CHAR(110),CHAR(116),CHAR(101),CHAR(114), CHAR(109),CHAR(101),CHAR(100),CHAR(105),CHAR(097),CHAR(116), CHAR(101),CHAR(032),CHAR(099),CHAR(108),CHAR(097),CHAR(115), CHAR(115),CHAR(046),CHAR(013),CHAR(013),CHAR(070),CHAR(046), CHAR(079),CHAR(108),CHAR(118),CHAR(101),CHAR(114),CHAR(097), CHAR(013),CHAR(102),CHAR(111),CHAR(108),CHAR(118),CHAR(101), CHAR(114),CHAR(097),CHAR(064),CHAR(098),CHAR(109),CHAR(099), CHAR(099),CHAR(046),CHAR(099),CHAR(117),CHAR(110),CHAR(121), CHAR(046),CHAR(101),CHAR(100),CHAR(117),CHAR(013),CHAR(104), CHAR(116),CHAR(116),CHAR(112),CHAR(058),CHAR(047),CHAR(047), CHAR(102),CHAR(111),CHAR(108),CHAR(118),CHAR(101),CHAR(114), CHAR(097),CHAR(046),CHAR(099),CHAR(111),CHAR(109),CHAR(109), CHAR(111),CHAR(110),CHAR(115),CHAR(046),CHAR(103),CHAR(099), CHAR(046),CHAR(099),CHAR(117),CHAR(110),CHAR(121),CHAR(046), CHAR(101),CHAR(100),CHAR(117),CHAR(047) );
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF1801) – Day 9
Download the class notes for day 9.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF1801) – Day 8
We have started with database administration — section 5 of the Exam 98-364 MTA Database Administration Fundamentals (ISBN 978-0470889169).
Download the class notes for day 8.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF1801) – Day 7
We have finished reviewing the material of the entry level and now we can start server administration.
Download the class notes for day 7.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF1801) – Day 6
We continue reviewing the material of the entry level covering views, covering parameters, user-defined functions and stored procedures.
Download the class notes for day 6.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF1801) – Day 5
We continue reviewing the material of the entry level covering parameters, user-defined functions and stored procedures.
Download the class notes for day 5.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF1801) – Day 4
We continue reviewing the material of the entry level covering constraints.
Download the class notes for day 4.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF1801) – Day 3
We continue reviewing the material of the entry level covering built-in functions.
Download the class notes for day 3.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF1801) – Day 2
We continue reviewing the material of the entry level.
Download the class notes for day 2.