We have started working with the WHERE clause and its operators.
Download the notes for day 4.
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We have started having fun with built-in functions (set of instructions) for numeric values.
Download the notes for day 3.
We have started having fun with built-in functions (set of instructions) for strings (character arrays).
Download the notes for day 2.
We have started a new course. Always keep in mind that the heart of SQL is the SELECT statement.
SELECT table1.field1, table1.field2, table2.field1, table2.field2 ... FROM table1 INNER/LEFT/RIGHT JOIN table2 ON table1.common_field1 = table2.common_field1 AND table1.common_field2 = table2.common_field2
Download the notes for day 1.
The book that I recommend for Introduction to SQL course — Exam 98-364 MTA Database Administration Fundamentals (ISBN 978-0470889169) — is now available at Internet Archive.
If you are interested in learning how to program for Android or other mobile system, you might need to manage data and that is where SQL comes in handy — especially SQLite.
In Android development, we tend to use SQLite which is ideal for mobile applications and particularly useful for permanently storing data. MySQL is more commonly installed on servers where it can be used by web apps. Either way, using databases to store information allows us to organize that data in a far more logical and structured manner, and then access and manipulate that information dynamically.
Download the class notes for day 10 (the final). Thank you for taking this course.
Download the notes for lab 8.
We have one more class and lab #9 (the final) to go. In the meantime, download the class notes for day 9.
We are almost done with the course. This means that we have one more day to learn new material and review all the material. Then we take care of our final (just another lab, but a tad longer).
In the meantime, we have covered how to CREATE and ALTER database objects — DATABASEs, SCHEMAs, TABLEs, VIEWs and COLUMNs.
CREATE object_type object_name [code_to_create_object] DROP object_type object_name [code_to_drop_object] ALTER object_type object_name ADD/DROP/ALTER object_type [code_to_alter_object]
Download the class notes for day 8.