Database Administration Fundamentals (WS16SQL1006) – Day 10

We have reached the end of the Database Administration Fundamentals course to prepare you for the Microsoft MTA Exam 98-364.

Download the answers to quiz #4. Remember that you should take my notes (my interpretation of how to best answer the questions in the quiz) as a reference and compare them to your code.

You can also download all files for this course under category WS16SQL1006 to continue studying/reviewing the material before taking the certification exam.

Database Administration Fundamentals (WS16SQL1006) – Day 7

We had another quiz (#3) reviewing most of the material that we have covered in the past three and a half weeks. In the quiz, I offered you two options — creating a new database where you would put the three new tables (quiz #3a) or creating a schema in the same database to include these new tables (quiz #3b). Most of you decided to create a new database.

Download the XLS files to recreate databases AP and AP_Employees (latter used in quiz #3) as well as the class notes for day 7 (quiz #3a & quiz #3b).

Database Administration Fundamentals (WS16SQL1006) – Day 6

We have covered parameters, functions and procedures. Do not forget that, if you are taking the certification exam, you must know about procedures.

Download the class notes for day 6.

Note that functions and procedures change from vendor to vendor. In this course, we are looking at Microsoft’s T-SQL for SQL Server.

If anyone if interested in functions and procedures in Oracle, refer to the following URLs.


For MySQL and MariaDB, refer to the following URLs.
