We are almost done with the course. We have covered sections 1 to 3 from the Exam 98-364 MTA Database Administration Fundamentals (ISBN 9780470889169) book. We will take quiz #3 on the last day (08/10/2016). Download the class notes for day 9.
Computer Programming
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL1001) – Day 8
We survived quiz #2 and I must congratulate all students who did great. Download the class notes for day 8.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL1001) – Day 7
We have covered most of the material of this course except for referential integrity.
Referential integrity is a relational database concept, which states that table relationships must always be consistent. In other words, any foreign key field must agree with the primary key that is referenced by the foreign key. Thus, any primary key field changes must be applied to all foreign keys, or not at all. The same restriction also applies to foreign keys in that any updates (but not necessarily deletions) must be propagated to the primary parent key.
Download the class notes for day 7.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL1001) – Day 6
We are half-way into the course. We have covered most of section two (2) including parameters (variables). We can finally start having fun writing procedures and functions — data objects that can be reused by anyone with the proper privileges.
Download the class notes for day 6.
Lunch & Learn – Data Analytics in the 21st Century
I was asked to do Lunch & Learn presentation on Data Analytics in the 21st Century. If you attended the presentation, I truly appreciate your support and I hope you enjoyed the presentation.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL1001) – Day 5
We have covered how to CREATE, ALTER and DROP database objects.
Download the class notes for day 5.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL1001) – Day 4
We took care of quiz #1. Download the class notes for day 4. As I mentioned, compare your code to my notes. If you have any questions, let me know.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL1001) – Day 3
We have covered formatting numeric data types and table JOINs.
We will have quiz #1 on 07/20/2016 on section one of the Exam 98-364 MTA Database Administration Fundamentals (ISBN 9780470889169) book.
Download the class notes for day 3.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL1001) – Day 2
So far, we have covered built-in (system native) functions and nested queries. Next Monday (07/18/2016) we will finish section Understanding Core Database Concepts from the syllabus and next Thursday (07/20/2016) we will have the first quiz.
Download the class notes for day 2.
Database Administration Fundamentals (SF16SQL1001) – Day 1
You have survived the first day of SF16SQL1001. So far, we have covered the basics of T-SQL (the version of SQL used in SQL Server)
SELECT [column(s)] FROM [table(s)]
and briefly jumped ahead to NULL and data types, which we will cover in detail later in the course. Download the class notes for day 1.