Python remains atop the TIOBE index for November [2021], while PHP shows signs of decline

Yet another reason to learn Python “The 10 most popular programming languages remain the same, but numbers toward the bottom of that group are shifting, with PHP dropping and assembly language continuing to rise.”

How Did Python Become A Data Science Powerhouse? – Coding Tech

Although I teach SQL, I recommend studying Python if you are interested in data analytics rather than using MATLAB or R. Although Python is not a data science language, there are several libraries designed to analyze data in Python. Conda – package manager IPython – shell for interactive computing Jupyter – facility to write documentation […]

NSA Releases Guidance on How to Protect Against Software Memory Safety Issues

The National Security Agency (NSA) has released a report of what programming languages people should use because of memory safety (leaks, exploits, etc.). The “Software Memory Safety” Cybersecurity Information Sheet highlights how malicious cyber actors can exploit poor memory management issues to access sensitive information, promulgate unauthorized code execution, and cause other negative impacts. The […]

Data Analysis: What to Learn

Applied statistics (not software, but good old math) including general understanding of machine learning (artificial intelligence). R and/or Python with libraries like NumPy and/or pandas. Structured Query Language (SQL) with a broad understanding of extensions (vendor-specific syntax) depending on the relational database management system (RDBMS) that the company (your employer) has like Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL […]

Most Popular Programming Languages to Learn in 2022 (

This is neither an endorsement nor an advert. Once upon a time, the world of computer programming was a mysterious and exclusive place. Only a select handful of people were considered computer programmers with cutting-edge coding skills. Today, many IT jobs require a solid grasp of the top programming languages, and yes, we mean more […]

15 books for kids who (you want to) love Linux and open source (

The original article is available at, but the list without commercial links is below. Adventures in Raspberry Pi by Carrie Anne Philbin Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by Al Sweigart Coding Games in Scratch by Jon Woodcock Doing Math with Python by Amit Saha Girls Who Code: Learn to Code and Change the […]