Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 5

We are half-way done (fifth class of ten). We will stop covering new material in order to review all the material we have covered so far. You need to understand and know the syntax well as this is the foundation of SQL. We will then continue and cover how to CREATE and ALTER database objects.

Download the class notes for day 5.

Resources to Learn Programming #2

The basics of BASIC, the programming language of the 1980s

David Murray (The 8-Bit Guy) explains how my generation got started in computers — Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. For more information on BASIC go to (GOTOWikibooks for books and Calormen (JS Basic, to run the code below).

10 REM
20 INPUT "What's your name?"; name$
30 PRINT "Hello, "; name$;
40 INPUT ", how are you? (OK/Not)"; ok$
50 IF ok$ = "OK" THEN PRINT "Glad to hear that."
60 IF ok$ <> "OK" THEN PRINT "Too BAD!"

Resources to Learn Programming

As I have pointed out in my previous posts on open source, computer programmers (geeks, nerds, techies, etc.) like to help others. Therefore many programmers (myself included) are active in social groups like bootcamps, workshops and forums. The following is a list of websites where you can study programming and ask an expert for help.

Needless to say, there are many others. I will post another list later. You can send your suggestions via my email account — thanks.

Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 2

Review what we have covered so far and last night’s lab. As I mentioned, if you are interested in taking the Database Fundamentals certification exam (MTA 98-364), there is a lot of theory that you would need to know. Refer to the class notes or the Exam 98-364 MTA Database Administration Fundamentals book (ISBN 9780470889169) book in the syllabus for the theory.

As usual, if you have any question, do not hesitate to contact me.

Download the class notes for day 2.