Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 10

We have finished our five-week adventure into the land of SQL (WS17SQL1007). Thank you for joining us.

By the way, try to figure out what the following prints. You might not need to go to http: //

        @yourCRSE VARCHAR(11);

SET @yourNAME = '#space_holder_for_your_name#';
                                -- your name in this param
SET @yourCRSE = 'WS17SQL1007';  -- this class ending today

PRINT   CHAR(84) +CHAR(104)+CHAR(97) +CHAR(110)+CHAR(107)+
        CHAR(32) +CHAR(121)+CHAR(111)+CHAR(117)+CHAR(44) +
        CHAR(32) +@yourNAME+CHAR(44) +CHAR(32) +CHAR(102)+
        CHAR(111)+CHAR(114)+CHAR(32) +CHAR(116)+CHAR(97) +
        CHAR(107)+CHAR(105)+CHAR(110)+CHAR(103)+CHAR(32) +
        CHAR(99) +CHAR(108)+CHAR(97) +CHAR(115)+CHAR(115)+
        CHAR(32) +@yourCRSE+CHAR(46) +CHAR(13) +CHAR(83) +
        CHAR(101)+CHAR(101)+CHAR(32) +CHAR(121)+CHAR(111)+
        CHAR(117)+CHAR(32) +CHAR(105)+CHAR(110)+CHAR(32) +
        CHAR(116)+CHAR(104)+CHAR(101)+CHAR(32) +CHAR(105)+
        CHAR(101)+CHAR(100)+CHAR(105)+CHAR(97) +CHAR(116)+
        CHAR(101)+CHAR(32) +CHAR(99) +CHAR(108)+CHAR(97) +
        CHAR(115)+CHAR(115)+CHAR(46) +CHAR(13) +CHAR(13) +
        CHAR(70) +CHAR(46) +CHAR(79) +CHAR(108)+CHAR(118)+
        CHAR(101)+CHAR(114)+CHAR(97) +CHAR(13) +CHAR(102)+
        CHAR(97) +CHAR(64) +CHAR(98) +CHAR(109)+CHAR(99) +
        CHAR(99) +CHAR(46) +CHAR(99) +CHAR(117)+CHAR(110)+
        CHAR(121)+CHAR(46) +CHAR(101)+CHAR(100)+CHAR(117)+
        CHAR(13) +CHAR(104)+CHAR(116)+CHAR(116)+CHAR(112)+
        CHAR(58) +CHAR(47) +CHAR(47) +CHAR(102)+CHAR(111)+
        CHAR(108)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(101)+CHAR(114)+CHAR(97) +
        CHAR(46) +CHAR(99) +CHAR(111)+CHAR(109)+CHAR(109)+
        CHAR(111)+CHAR(110)+CHAR(115)+CHAR(46) +CHAR(103)+
        CHAR(99) +CHAR(46) +CHAR(99) +CHAR(117)+CHAR(110)+
        CHAR(121)+CHAR(46) +CHAR(101)+CHAR(100)+CHAR(117)+
        CHAR(47) ;          -- calling characters in ASCII

Download the class notes for day 10.

Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 6

I have emailed all students a one-time invitation to my Slack channel ( where you can post any question/comment and get answers/response by your fellow students.

Last night we worked on a long lab covering all material that we have covered so far. Next week we will start to CREATE data objects, INSERT data into tables and DROP data objects.

Download the class notes for day 6.

Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 5

We are half-way done (fifth class of ten). We will stop covering new material in order to review all the material we have covered so far. You need to understand and know the syntax well as this is the foundation of SQL. We will then continue and cover how to CREATE and ALTER database objects.

Download the class notes for day 5.

Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 2

Review what we have covered so far and last night’s lab. As I mentioned, if you are interested in taking the Database Fundamentals certification exam (MTA 98-364), there is a lot of theory that you would need to know. Refer to the class notes or the Exam 98-364 MTA Database Administration Fundamentals book (ISBN 9780470889169) book in the syllabus for the theory.

As usual, if you have any question, do not hesitate to contact me.

Download the class notes for day 2.

Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 1

We have started a new SQL course.

As I explained last night, each relational database management systems (RDBMS) vendor has some proprietary syntax and tools. Therefore some code has to be converted when moving code from SQL Server to Oracle, PostgreSQL or SQLite. Some third-parties have released facilities like SQLines. If you have any questions on other systems, do not hesitate to contact me.

By the way, you can use Valentina Studio Free to access databases similar to the SQL Server Management Studio client that we use in the classroom.

If you have Mac can use VirtualBox and download the Windows 10 with IE 11 VDI. Note you will need to install the .NET framework version 3.51 before the installation of SQL Server Express Edition and the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) client.

Download the class notes for day 1. Note that the file includes a lot of theory that you need to know if you are planning to take the certification exam.

If you have any questions regarding any material covered in class or any RDBMS issues you might face at work, do not hesitate to contact me.