- .NET Fiddle – sandbox for .NET
- Bento – tutorials for various programming languages
- Codepad – sandbox and on-line IDE for various programming languages
- CodePen – sandbox and on-line IDE for various programming languages
- CodeSandbox – sandbox for React (https://facebook.github.io/react/)
- Compile & run code in Crystal – sandbox for Crystal (https://crystal-lang.org/)
- CSSdesk – sandbox for CSS
- Dabblet – sandbox for HTML and CSS
- Echoplex – sandbox for CSS3 flexbox
- Ideone – sandbox and on-line IDE for various programming languages
- JSBin – sandbox for HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- JSFiddle – sandbox for HTML, CSS and JavaScript including AJAX
- Khan Academy – tutorials for various programming languages and technologies
- Microsoft Virtual Academy – tutorials for various programming languages
- Try Perl – sandbox for Perl
- PHPTester – sandbox for PHP
- Plunker – “online community for creating, collaborating on and sharing your web development ideas” mainly in JavaScript
- Runnable – sandbox and on-line IDE for various programming languages
- Rust Playground – sandbox for Rust (https://www.rust-lang.org/)
- ScalaFiddle.io – sandbox on-line IDE for fiddles (“little Scala programs that run directly in your browser”)
- ScalaFiddle.net – sandbox and on-line IDE for fiddles
- Sololearn – sandbox for HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- SQLFiddle – sandbox for various dialects of SQL
- Try Haskell – sandbox for Haskell (https://www.haskell.org/)
- Visual Studio Code – cross-platform IDE by Microsoft
- WebpackBin – sandbox for JavaScript
Open Source
Just Because You Finished the SQL Course
You can
- email me if you run into SQL questions, problems, errors and/or any other headaches
- and/or join me and the rest of your fellow students on Slack (https://sqlhq.slack.com/).
Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 10
We have finished our five-week adventure into the land of SQL (WS17SQL1007). Thank you for joining us.
By the way, try to figure out what the following prints. You might not need to go to http: //ascii.cl/.
DECLARE @yourNAME VARCHAR(50), @yourCRSE VARCHAR(11); SET @yourNAME = '#space_holder_for_your_name#'; -- your name in this param SET @yourCRSE = 'WS17SQL1007'; -- this class ending today PRINT CHAR(84) +CHAR(104)+CHAR(97) +CHAR(110)+CHAR(107)+ CHAR(32) +CHAR(121)+CHAR(111)+CHAR(117)+CHAR(44) + CHAR(32) +@yourNAME+CHAR(44) +CHAR(32) +CHAR(102)+ CHAR(111)+CHAR(114)+CHAR(32) +CHAR(116)+CHAR(97) + CHAR(107)+CHAR(105)+CHAR(110)+CHAR(103)+CHAR(32) + CHAR(99) +CHAR(108)+CHAR(97) +CHAR(115)+CHAR(115)+ CHAR(32) +@yourCRSE+CHAR(46) +CHAR(13) +CHAR(83) + CHAR(101)+CHAR(101)+CHAR(32) +CHAR(121)+CHAR(111)+ CHAR(117)+CHAR(32) +CHAR(105)+CHAR(110)+CHAR(32) + CHAR(116)+CHAR(104)+CHAR(101)+CHAR(32) +CHAR(105)+ CHAR(110)+CHAR(116)+CHAR(101)+CHAR(114)+CHAR(109)+ CHAR(101)+CHAR(100)+CHAR(105)+CHAR(97) +CHAR(116)+ CHAR(101)+CHAR(32) +CHAR(99) +CHAR(108)+CHAR(97) + CHAR(115)+CHAR(115)+CHAR(46) +CHAR(13) +CHAR(13) + CHAR(70) +CHAR(46) +CHAR(79) +CHAR(108)+CHAR(118)+ CHAR(101)+CHAR(114)+CHAR(97) +CHAR(13) +CHAR(102)+ CHAR(111)+CHAR(108)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(101)+CHAR(114)+ CHAR(97) +CHAR(64) +CHAR(98) +CHAR(109)+CHAR(99) + CHAR(99) +CHAR(46) +CHAR(99) +CHAR(117)+CHAR(110)+ CHAR(121)+CHAR(46) +CHAR(101)+CHAR(100)+CHAR(117)+ CHAR(13) +CHAR(104)+CHAR(116)+CHAR(116)+CHAR(112)+ CHAR(58) +CHAR(47) +CHAR(47) +CHAR(102)+CHAR(111)+ CHAR(108)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(101)+CHAR(114)+CHAR(97) + CHAR(46) +CHAR(99) +CHAR(111)+CHAR(109)+CHAR(109)+ CHAR(111)+CHAR(110)+CHAR(115)+CHAR(46) +CHAR(103)+ CHAR(99) +CHAR(46) +CHAR(99) +CHAR(117)+CHAR(110)+ CHAR(121)+CHAR(46) +CHAR(101)+CHAR(100)+CHAR(117)+ CHAR(47) ; -- calling characters in ASCII
Download the class notes for day 10.
Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 9
We are almost done — just one more class to go. We will have a quiz (another lab).
If you have any questions regarding the material, don’t hesitate to contact me via email or Slack (https://sqlhq.slack.com/).
Download the class notes for day 9.
Using Git to Manage Changes in Code Without Trashing It
Version control is a good idea in order to keep track of changes in your code — especially when working with multiple files in multiple directories.
“Git is a free and open source distributed code management and version control system that is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2. In addition to software version control, Git is used for other applications including configuration management and content management.”
One of the best used version control systems is Git created by Linus Torvalds who created Linux.
You can install Git in various operating systems including non-Unix systems like Windows (Git Bash).
First we have to introduce yourself to Git.
- Initialize Git.
git init
- Then introduce yourself to Git. This is the way you can commit transactions.
git config --global user.name "[your_name]" git config --global user.email "[your_email]"
- You can use helpful colorization of commands in Git.
git config --global color.ui auto
- Of course, we can edit our configuration file (.gitconfig). Note that files starting with a period ('.') are hidden.
[editor] .gitconfig
- At this point, you can tell Git what files it has to watch.
git add [directories/files]
- Of course, if you prefer to add all the files in a sub-directory, you can add of it.
git add .
- To make sure that Git is running, you can ask for its status.
git status
Once Git is running and collecting changes, we can manipulate the changes.
- We can ask Git what changes have been done in our code.
git diff
- We can also ask what changes have been made in each file.
git diff --staged
- Once we accept the changes, we can COMMIT them.
git commit -m "[message/memorandum]"
- We can group these changes before committing creating branches — alternate copies of the project in order not to destroy the original code.
git branch [branch_name]
- Once changes are approved in the branch, we can merge the changes into the new BRANCH.
git merge
- We can then upload the new branch into the original.
git push
For more information, get the GitHub Git Cheat Sheet (local copy, owned by GitHub) or go to try.github.io.
I would like to thank Julia López (@yukideluxe) from Spain and Kimberley Cook (@KimberleyCook91) from England for helping me put this quick tutorial together.
Top (Best) Programming Languages to Learn in 2017
According to IBM developerWorks, the top languages are the following.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers has its own list.
Every site has different list, but IBM developerWorks and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers are respectable sources.
Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 8
We have two more classes to go.
- Next Monday we will review all the material that we have covered so far.
- Next Wednesday we will have a quiz.
Download the class notes for day 8.
Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 7
We have started to CREATE database objects using the following base syntax.
CREATE database_object object_name AS some_code_to_create_structure
Download the class notes for day 7.
- On a silly note, this is post 486 as in i486.
Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 6
I have emailed all students a one-time invitation to my Slack channel (https://sqlhq.slack.com/) where you can post any question/comment and get answers/response by your fellow students.
Last night we worked on a long lab covering all material that we have covered so far. Next week we will start to CREATE data objects, INSERT data into tables and DROP data objects.
Download the class notes for day 6.
Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 5
We are half-way done (fifth class of ten). We will stop covering new material in order to review all the material we have covered so far. You need to understand and know the syntax well as this is the foundation of SQL. We will then continue and cover how to CREATE and ALTER database objects.
Download the class notes for day 5.