We are two (2) more sessions away from the SF22SQL1001 final.
We have covered lots of material —
- getting data from tables/views (SELECT... FROM...),
- joining tables/views (INNER|LEFT|RIGHT JOIN) to make larger datasets,
- filtering the output of queries (WHERE),
- ordering the output of queries (ORDER BY),
- grouping the output of queries when using aggregate functions (GROUP BY),
- adding logic to queries (CASE... WHEN... THEN... END),
- pushing new values into tables (INSERT INTO),
- deleting selected rows (DELETE FROM) from a table,
- deleting all rows (TRUNCATE) from a table,
- making data objects (CREATE),
- deleting objects (DROP)
- modifying objects (ALTER)
- and much more.
I hope you have been having lots of fun.
Download the class notes for day 8 — 22 pages’ worth of material.