10 Fastest-Growing Languages on GitHub Offer Some Surprises (Dice)

This is not an advert. According to Dice and GitHub, the fastest growing language is Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL). I don’t think I’ve ever heard of HCL for Terraform. “an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure” If interested in this language, refer to […]

Data Analysis: What to Learn

Applied statistics (not software, but good old math) including general understanding of machine learning (artificial intelligence). R and/or Python with libraries like NumPy and/or pandas. Structured Query Language (SQL) with a broad understanding of extensions (vendor-specific syntax) depending on the relational database management system (RDBMS) that the company (your employer) has like Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL […]

CUNY ACE Upskilling: Introduction to Structured Query Language (SF21JOB) — Day 2

We are finally playing with data. To request data from a table or group of, we need to follow the following structure for the SELECT statement. Any changes in the syntax will break the statement and return an error. SELECT table1.field1, table1.field2… table2.field1, table2.field2… FROM table1 INNER | (OUTER) LEFT | (OUTER) RIGHT table2 ON […]

Database Administration Fundamentals (SF19SQL1002) – Day 4

As a quick review, SQL is the language to interact with a relational database. to request data (SELECT) from database objects (databases, schemas, tables and views) to create (CREATE) where to store data, database objects (databases, schemas, tables including columns, etc.) to modify (ALTER) database objects to delete (DROP) database objects, automatic COMMIT in SQL Server […]

Database Administration Fundamentals (WS17SQL1007) – Day 1

We have started a new SQL course. As I explained last night, each relational database management systems (RDBMS) vendor has some proprietary syntax and tools. Therefore some code has to be converted when moving code from SQL Server to Oracle, PostgreSQL or SQLite. Some third-parties have released facilities like SQLines. If you have any questions on other systems, do not hesitate to […]

Database Administration Fundamentals (WS16SQL1006) – Day 6

We have covered parameters, functions and procedures. Do not forget that, if you are taking the certification exam, you must know about procedures. Download the class notes for day 6. Note that functions and procedures change from vendor to vendor. In this course, we are looking at Microsoft’s T-SQL for SQL Server. If anyone if […]